“A great support to our global team in leveraging its diversity - whether on the cultural, educational or professional dimension.
The right mix of fun activities and serious discussion forums extending below the surface opened our eyes to some of these diversity dimensions that are all too often overseen in our daily teamwork across the globe. Thank you for facilitating the team on its way to becoming the world class organization.“

Zia Yusuf, Senior Vice President
Global Corporate Strategy, Office of the CEO

“Durchdachte Konzeption, inspirierende Umgebung, herausfordernde Aufgaben und die Entdeckung einer neuen Seite – kurz ein äußerst effektiver Tag!”

Anita Frey, Vorstandsassistentin

“This programme was extremely useful for my personal growth and professional life as I have many employees to manage. Everything was very much connected in every detail while having lots of fun and making amazing new friends – In my opinion it was BRILLIANT!”

Zahra Ali, Managing Director,
Hotel Travel Park und Hotel Malaposta

“Frisch, mutig, experimentierfreudig und dabei professionell und durchdacht. Eine Kombination die ich gesucht und in Stefan Vetter und Team gefunden habe.”

Justus Böckheler, Leiter HR Restrukturierung und Change

“Stefan's qualities cannot be summarised in few lines: he combines professionalism and sensitivity. He shows empathy, clear vision and at the same time creates an enabling and safe environment where boundaries are clearly set.
He has been appreciated by all participants for his "wisdom" and his ability to connect nature and symbolism to their experiences.
I have particularly appreciated his ability to understand and work with different cultures and enhance the potential of everyone he works with.”

Michel R. Rener, Director of Cultural and
Leadership Programmes
UMMAH, Paris

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